- Killing innocent babies in the womb for profit – Subhuman
- Electing presidents, who are only pretentiously loyal to the Constitution – Courting National Failure
- Electing presidents who attempt to circumvent the law instead of devotedly uphold it - Inviting Lawlessness
- Agreement with the idea of defunding the police – Pandering to Would-be Criminals
- Freeing undocumented aliens into the national population – Social Poisoning
- Illegal hordes crossing the American southern and northern borders – A Tactical Invasion
- Giving billions of dollars to nations which sponsor terrorism – A Death Wish
- Seeing today’s American politics as a non-existential threat – Terminally Naive
- Remaining self-absorbed while our justice system and liberties are under assault - Amonie-like
- Seeing Israel as the bad guy and Hamas as the good guy – Uninformed Lunacy
- Seeing anchors at ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN as anything but propagandists – Dupish
- Rewarding laziness, irresponsibility, and/ or illegal aliens with federal benefits – Inviting National Bankruptcy
- Legalizing illicit drugs – Enlarging the National Sorrow
- Supporting organizations which are working to destroy America – Treasonous
- Not recognizing seditious front organizations for what they are - Sadly Gullible
- Allowing ballot harvesting and free standing, unsecured ballot boxes – An Election Integrity Sell-out
- Not requiring Voter ID – Tactical Sedition
- Understanding and Using propaganda and disinformation as acceptable government practices – The Stuff of Dictatorships
- Accepting propaganda and disinformation as truth - Dupish
- Not classifying gender in simple biological terms – Pandering Stupidity
- Dismissing entirely the goodness and contributions of our predecessors – Void of Sophisticated Reasoning
- A blanket policy of not prosecuting crimes – Dereliction of Duty
- Sending our jobs to foreign countries – Welcoming National Poverty
- Funding and/ or attending schools whose leadership hates America – Aiding and Abetting
- Funding bio-research in China – Madness
- Not regulating big tech and social media companies to insure fairness and responsibility – Dumb
- Suppressing the benefits of our rich resources of oil and natural gas – Economic Sedition
- Climate change – Purposeful Misinterpretation for Political Manipulation
- Intentionally pitting one race against another – Sociopathic
- Eliminating the Bail Bond System to allow accused criminals to simply walk free – Dereliction of Duty
- Refusing to arrest and deport dangerous criminal aliens – Accessory Before the Fact
- Sanctuary cities – Madness
- Believing in the goodness of sanctuary cities – Quixotic Madness
- Allowing China to traverse the national air space with spy balloons – Abject Stupidity
- Downplaying the importance of good character in a politician – Assuring Bad Leadership
- Downplaying the importance of good character in our children – Dereliction of Duty
- Downplaying the importance of good character in the teachers of our children – Culpable Negligence
- Downplaying the importance of good character in the general populace – Our Foundational Mistake
- Believing hatred and violence to be the day-to-day norm of life - Sociopathic Delusion
- Seeking to dismiss or circumvent the Constitution of the United States by illicit means – Treason
- Moving away from the rule of law – A Terminal Trip
- Whole cities and states ignoring our laws – Insurrection
- Believing it is OK for a political party’s leadership to embrace seditious behavior – The Opinion of Their Stooges
- Government weaponization of the law – Reaching for a Dictatorship
- Weaponizing of government branches and bureaucracies – Dictatorial
- Not prosecuting the criminal behavior of politicians – Asking For More
- Surrendering our educational facilities to political activist instead of serious educators – Cancerous to Quality
- Surrendering our streets to violent rioters and looters – Cowardice Under Fire
- Selling off critical reserves of our national resources to foreign states – Criminal Collusion
- Turning our backs on the principles of the Bible – Super Dumb
- Alienating Almighty God by our hypocrisy and arrogance – Super Dangerous
- Legitimizing the practice of homosexuality – Dark Minded
- Not Interacting with homosexuals respectfully - Deplorable Behavior
- Not seeing government mass re-settlement of illegal aliens as seditious and criminal – Dupish
- Believing that the whim of every social grouping can and must be satisfied – Childish
- Voting for pie-in-the-sky promises instead of integrity, solid plans, and proven success - How We Got Here
- Believing that the social sins of the past can never be atoned for and/ or forgiven - Prescribing Chronic Hate
- Believing that paper money can be endlessly printed and spent without consequence – Bankruptcy in the Making
- Allowing Chinese Nationals to do bio-research in substandard labs within the U.S. – Inviting Disease X
- Seeing street violence as a legitimate means to change – Inviting Anarchy
- Believing that the level of the national debt is inconsequential – Terminal State of Denial
- Seeing America and American Patriotism as bad things - Intellectual Dishonesty
- Running for office on the goodness of killing the unborn and even the new born by the thousands - Full Blown Moral Insanity
- A political party which embraces infanticide as part of its political platform - A Party Beset by Abject Darkness
- Outlawing responsible gun ownership as a means of personal defense - Leaves Only Lambs for the Slaughter
- Forced vaccines - And What Then - Drink the Kool Aid?
- Voting for anyone who advocates these things – No Way, Jose!
Saturday, January 20, 2024
67 Non-superfluous Conversations with Myself
Sunday, January 14, 2024
The Keystones of Vibrancy
first, we should understand that our prayer life should be animated by more
noble motives than mere obligation or duty.
To conceive of prayer in those terms is to misunderstand its glory, to
demean its worth, and to undermine the spontaneous pleasure and abundant
benefits of these moments of visitation
with God.
in fact, that idea is actually the more mature view of prayer. In essence,
prayer is simply a wondrous conversational encounter between devoted friends. And,
who ever needed coercive motives to bring them to such an encounter? Certainly, no one I know.
we cherish those moments with such friends. We eagerly anticipate them. We run headlong toward them. And, we make
them last as long as possible.
why would we not? Out of those treasured
meetings come happily animated conversations.
And, among the outflows of those conversations are the ingredients for
personal growth. Often, shared memories bubble
to the surface with their attendant laughter or poignant tears. And, how often have we found great relief in these
valuable friendships as we suddenly discover the strength of another shoulder seeking,
in some loving way, to bear up with our own in an effort to lighten our load.
are all just part of the blessings which flow from a truly rich companionship. And the companionship of our Heavenly Father,
our loving Savior, and the Divine Spirit is no different. It is designed to be
the richest companionship of all.
Like nothing else, these
times of divine visitation hold the capacity to light up the heart of both God
and man. They heighten and make more
accurate our sense of God awareness. They
organically produce meaning, fulfillment, and a deepened devotion. And, it’s in
these times that our faith is made to be unflappable as we gain the divine
synergy which enables us to face down life’s challenges.
It is the
experience of all these glorious things, and many more, which eventually bring
to extinction any need for a sense of obligation or duty regarding prayer. Rather, in the place of those more coercive
motives, comes an infinitely more enjoyable one. It is simply the overflowing goodness of the
divine friendship. It is in the joy of
that goodness that the easy energy of spontaneous pursuit is effortlessly set
free within us.
simple reality is this. God can
talk. And, when we tap into the deep joys
of a conversation with Him, wondrous, life-changing, world-shaking things
happen in our heart, in our life circumstance, and in our relationship with
The National Relationship: A Biden Era Perspective
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…”
Usually, when we speak of a
relationship with God, it is in terms of a “personal” relationship in
Christ. But there is a larger relationship with God, the quality of which,
is very impactful to multitudes of people instead of just one
person. It is the “national relationship.”
Yep, that is a real thing, easily
observed in the historical pages of the Bible. And, it is also
certainly a real and very impactful thing in America. Indeed,
the quality of life in this nation is directly correlated to the quality of
this composite relationship that the entire populace of the nation has with
It works like this. Not
unlike Israel, America is also a chosen nation. Her divinely
assigned role has always been to serve as an example to the modern
world. She is intended to exhibit to the world that quality of life
which accrues to a nation who maintains, at the very least, a respectful relationship
with God. And, that quality of life is characterized by such things
as the nation’s strength, influence, nobility of character, and prosperity.
And, this respectful national
relationship which brings these blessings has two relational
dimensions. First, as one would assume, that respectful
relationship occurs as a Christ-centered, deeply faith-based respect for
God within the Church. And second, it occurs as simply a secular reverence for
God, merely based in the willingness of the secular populace to be so.
But, America is now widely failing
in both dimensions of this relational calling. The grassroots American Church
has become broadly disrespectful by the present widespread minimization and
pretentiousness in their devotion, resulting in a pervasive shallowness.
And, the secular culture,
in greater and greater numbers, is choosing
irreverence and even antagonism, toward God.
Thus, America has become a very
broadly disrespectful nation toward the Governing Creator. And, as a direct
result, our normally supportive God has now stepped back. And, with the
loss of that divine guardianship, an imploding America is now left staring at
an imminent collapse of our culture.
Already, we are a much weakened and
deeply divided nation, fully engulfed in a dark downward spiral which now touches
every facet of our social fabric. We are literally being invaded
through our southern border. Our government has become more a threat
than a help. Prices now soar as the worth of the dollar free falls.
The rule of law is crumbling, as is
our election integrity. And, both within and without, our gathering enemies are
now salivating profusely. And, sadder still, most
seem yet unwilling to face up to the real underlying cause of this
terminal national trajectory – the erosion of the divine friendship.
Solomon said this, “As iron
sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” Present
day America has broadly abandoned that vibrant friendship we once had with our
Divine Friend. And, the symptoms of that wide abandonment have now become
clearly evident in
America’s deeply jaundiced national face.
Surely, we’re better than
this. Surely, we can still do better than this as the contemporary Church
and as the secular nation.
Indeed, we must be and do
better. At this perilously up-close vantage point, surely it now becomes
obvious. The very survival of our
culture actually does hang in the balance of our yes-or-no answer to a renewed respect
for God and the worth of God’s friendship.
Honor Him, and perhaps He will again honor us with His help and blessing.
Brother To Brother
disagreement with the actions and/ or views of others – it is a regrettable
part of the human reality. We often encounter these deeply felt
oppositions as political diversity, or philosophical disagreements, or
interpersonal or social clashes etc. And, we don’t all handle these disappointments
in the same way.
our response to these difficulties takes one of two diametrically opposed courses. Either we choose to assign blame and, in
turn, hate (thereby amplifying the problem). Or, we choose, instead, to pursue a remedy which
leaves our nobler ideals intact and in play (thereby truly conquering the issue
instead of amplifying it).
That all
sounds right. Right? Well, maybe not to those who have already
chosen the option of blame and hate to cope with such conflicts. Indeed, those are hard minds to change. But, in an effort to do so, let’s just play
out their scenario using a higher magnification of the whole process.
To start
with, let’s begin at the real beginning place.
And, those headwaters do not lie in this physical dimension of
life. They absolutely lie in that larger
metaphysical dimension of life where both God and Satan originate.
In that
dimension, Satan, long ago, gave rise to a war between himself and God. And that war has now also engulfed this
physical dimension of life as the struggle between good and evil, between the
Light and the Darkness.
It is a
conflict which revolves around only one primary issue: Who gets
to be the authoritative truth-giver? In
other words, whose interpretation of life’s circumstances shall be considered the
correct interpretation? Or, said still another way, whose value system
will rule, God’s or Satan’s?
values can be accurately described as a system of principles which always produce
and promote peace, order, and universal good.
Satan’s values, on the other hand, can be accurately described as always
producing and promoting self-determination – thus, leading to a world based on
the chaotic idea of “every man is a truth
unto himself.”
One among many of Satan’s intentions for this treacherous belief system is to pit each man against every other and
even against God, Himself, to create universal social conflict which will in
turn defeat God’s benevolent influence in this world. So, our disagreements with each other, from
interpersonal to international, become a very valuable psychological opportunity
to both the demons and the dark-hearted human minions who serve the
And, their
tactical use of that opportunity is not complicated. Their prodding is always aimed at deepening
and emotionally inflaming those disagreements as a means to both bloodshed and blindness
– a blindness which keeps one from seeing God’s more noble and truly effective solutions.
with others is, indeed, a regrettable part of the human reality. But those disagreements only become more
pervasive and more lacerating if we embrace the whispers of the Darkness.