Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Of All That He Could Choose

 Jesus once made this statement.  “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”  Consider the spectacular implication of this statement regarding that single divine heart which Christ (God, the Son) shares with God, the Father, and God, the Holy Spirit.

 Think about it, being almighty, our Creator God can be anywhere and do anything He chooses.  He could choose to entirely fascinate Himself with any of the millions of worlds which fill His Creation and take no notice of man at all.  But, this statement indicates a divine choice which is wonderfully different from that. It indicates that God prefers to be completely involved with us in the full context of our daily life-circumstance. 

 And, indeed, it is true.  The intent of all of God’s redemptive effort through Christ has now been shown to be ultimately aimed at bringing to pass this warm and interactive daily friendship with those of us who appreciate and honestly pursue Him.  So, as it turns out, redemption was never merely about the practice of religion.  Rather, it was always ultimately about bringing a reality to this daily interpersonal closeness.  As it was written, “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

Indeed, this intimate daily companionship was always God’s redemptive “end game.”  For example, He actually wants to go to work with us every day and help guide us through the pitfalls of the office politics or the complicated relational issues of the work place.  He wants to help us successfully raise our children.  He wants to be involved in our own character development that we may become fulfilled people of true gravity.  

 He wants to help with the complexities of our marriage.  He wants share in the tears of our sorrow and the laughter of our celebrations. He wants to be there in our victories, big and small.  And, He wants to sustain us through the difficult moments of our failures.  He desires to be involved in the conversations which define our choices and the life-directions we might choose.

 And, as with our human relationships, it is through this close-up daily interaction that God truly reveals Himself to us.  And, it is in this atmosphere of a relaxed interpersonal access that we become genuinely set free by His authentic truth – His truly correct interpretations of reality.  And, in turn, these shared divine perspectives then guide us through the treacheries of life and empower us to cope with its unpredictability.

 And, it is through this highly God-involved relational environment that we are able to move beyond the smallness of this physical/ material life to engage the hugely more impressive dimensions of the spiritual life.  Again, as it is written, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

 So, Jesus said this, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” This is a simple invitation put forward by Christ to experience a wondrous and completely fulfilling interpersonal interaction with The Almighty, the Savior, and the Divine Spirit.  

And, the simple first step to this wonderful new level of divine companionship is made very obvious.  It is simply to open the door.  It is to truly open the door of your heart to the embrace of this elevated relational dimension.  It is to open the door of your mind to see, and recognize, and engage the transformative possibilities of this precious opportunity.  It is to open the door of your willingness, that the fullness of God’s love might simply step through it in the person of Christ to initiate this consummate relational level with you.

 Truly, God’s authentic redemptive plan has never been so much about that intermediate relational vehicle that is religion.  Rather, it was always ultimately about bringing to pass this daily, Christ-based, interpersonal closeness with those who would seriously pursue Him. The simple implication of that divine “knock” is this.  Of all that God could choose – He chooses you.