Monday, May 27, 2024

The Elephant Willfully Ignored

The Sun’s radius is 864, 938 miles across, giving it a circumference of over 2,720,000 miles.  A dime is ¾ of 1 inch in diameter and less than 2 ½ inches in circumference.  However, if you hold a dime close enough to your eye, it can completely blot out the sun’s image.  And, in essence, I see this same kind of self-inflicted blind spot happening every day across our world.

 I mean, Christian redemption is absolutely the biggest and most exciting event happening on the planet.  And it has been so since the dawn of human history.  And this unparalleled opportunity to enter God’s consummate creation (Heaven) and to eternally know a meaningful and joy-filled existence continues to freshly present itself to the world with each new rising sun.  But far more often than not, this wondrous unfolding opportunity is blotted out by small and much more insignificant material preoccupations which are held far too close to our mind’s eye. 

 In speaking of the pathway that leads to this everlasting joy, Christ, Himself, said, “…and few there be that find it.” And here, sadly, are the simple glorious realities which those who employ this self-inflicted blind spot will never understand.

 God’s redemptive work in Christ has a Noble and Clear Goal:

 That goal is not merely to immerse one in religious liturgy and/ or busy work.  God’s ultimate goal is to re-establish a deep and durable inter-personal relationship with those individuals who are vitally interested in the same. 

 Through the forgiveness afforded by the Dying Christ and the symbiotic empowerment afforded by the Living Christ, God is about the business of a vastly improved restoration. On an individual basis, what was lost to mankind in the Garden of Eden – the blessing of God’s intimate daily friendship is being wondrously put back in Christ.  Indeed, the work of Christ is all about the restoration of a vibrant, enduring, and consistently faith-expressive relationship with those who truly share that interest with their Creator. 

 Even in the Old Testament we read prophetic innuendos reflecting this ultimate divine intention such as the following words from the prophet, Ezekiel.  The prophet was here speaking first to ancient Israel, but then prophetically to those who are now seriously pursuing a relationship with their Creator through Christ in these New Testament times.  He said, “... A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.  And, I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and you shall keep my judgments, and do them… and you shall be my people, and I will be your God.”

 God’s ultimate redemptive goal has never changed.  That target has always been to re-establish a true heart-oneness with His people.  And, through the forgiveness furnished by the Dying Christ and the heart (character essence) transformation empowered by the Living Christ, indeed, God’s people are restored in this now very durable and fulfilling friendship. (Ref. Rom. 5:10)

 God’s redemptive Goal in Christ also has a very Specific Means:

 It is simple really.  The Cross furnishes the faithful with forgiveness which enables the restoration of the relationship.   And, the Resurrection furnishes believers with a powerful and empowering Living Christ.  And, He then empowers the believer’s thorough newness through a very real and life-changing merger. This is that symbiotic character integration which the Church has come to call, the “Spiritual Baptism.”

 Jesus put it very simply.  He said, “You shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses [confirmers of my redemptive capability]”… [Bracket added] 

 And, this Christ-supplied power, flowing through that Spiritual merger with Him, has one purpose – and it is not self-aggrandizement or sensationalism.  This empowerment is to enable a transformation of the believer’s value system so that it then matches that within the divine heart.  And, that heart-oneness with God then becomes the sound basis for that new and very durable daily friendship with Him.

 So, it is in the power of the Living Christ that the “heavy lifting” of our thorough personal newness is achieved.  And, it is in this Christ-sustained newness of heart and lifestyle that our relationship to God becomes truly warm, and substantial.  (Ref. 2 Cor. 5:17)

 And this new, Christ-enabled friendship with God has A Real Priority:

 Christ outlined it clearly.  He said, “… but seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…”  In the larger conversation from which this statement is drawn, Jesus goes to some length to encourage those who would know God and God’s Heaven to steer clear of an exaggerated concern with material issues.  His clear priority is to make those issues ever subservient to one’s pursuit of an intimate divine friendship and the invaluable future which it affords.

 And, forging this unique relationship with God involves a life-altering commitment:

 Again, Jesus does not equivocate.  He says, “And whoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.”  It is this high-level, all-in devotion which gives real gravity to God’s people and to their relationship with Him.  God is patient with shallow relationships to enable us to grow beyond them.  But, in the end, He does not and will not traffic in such pretentiousness. (Ref. Matt. 7:21-23)


 Christian redemption really is the biggest and most substantial thing happening on the planet.  And, if we’re not noticing that as much these days, indeed, it is likely because we have intentionally fashioned, from a bunch of small and mostly meaningless preoccupations, a willful and very dangerous blind spot. 

 Truth is – this life is actually first about human redemption – not corporate ladders, fun & games, real estate, and rolling stock.  Those are just the kinds of things which blind us to what is the truly smart play during our time here.